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Metropol building Zurich

Wealth structuring

Bringing together purpose and value

More than simply holding assets with trusts, foundations, companies, partnerships, investment funds and life insurance policies, wealth structuring is the combination of those tools to enable you to protect and control your wealth's destiny in every possible scenario. 

We work with you to gain a deep understanding of your current position and what you want to achieve in terms of diversification, tax efficiency, wealth protection and preservation, and consolidation of business activities.

Our experts advise on international wealth structuring of bankable investments, alternative investments such as real estate, private equity, art, and other collectibles, and digital assets in a cross-border legal and tax environment.

We ensure tax compliance and adherence to reporting obligations and provide guidelines for the selection and monitoring of service providers.

Europaallee Zurich

Wealth structuring solutions that weather life events

We believe in the value of individual wealth structuring solutions instead of standard products to directly solve your most imminent pressures and issues in our performance-driven design and delivery process.

Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more about leveraging private wealth structures to protect and preserve your wealth.

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Estate planning

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